Sunday, 3 June 2012

The renovations begin!!!

 Ok Blue Planet followers

After a short lull in work while we eagerly awaited materials, the renovations have begun.
Our ever eager low season team at the moment comprises of Geddis, Ben, Kev, En and our very own iron work horse himself,

Geddis's father in law, affectionately known to everyone as "Papa".

Our first job was to bring light to the future sales floor, so we removed the four sets of old blue shutters from the main room (and back room),

 and replaced them with brand new windows, with our ever busy En modifying the security bars so they could now be attached to the outside of the building.

 The back room has been cleaned and organised to become our new maintenance department ..................

 ........ and maybe an "unofficial" staff room!

 and now we are sanding doors, frames, and window frames, while we eagerly await the builders to make our new sales counter, and in the meantime,

 Geddis's chef is cooking up something other than food, to welcome past, present and future guests to the new look Blue Planet Divers but except for the small hint to the right, that's all we are saying about that for now!
So at the end of the day we relax come "beer o'clock" and discuss the plans and jobs to do to make this an exciting new Blue Planet Divers for all our past, present and future guests to enjoy. So stay tuned for future developments from all the BP team, until next time ............


  1. After two days I have now discovered I am completely inept at using power tools, so I'd best give commercial diving a wide berth for a while!!!!

    Blue Planet Team

  2. Awesome pics, and the sculpture in the corner, well it looks very promising! Keep it up, even here at home in cold germany its nice to still follow whats happening down there on Lanta! :)
